Adrien Vin

Links and socials

Welcome fellow internet visitor, here are my different links and projects. Have a nice day :)

About Me

I received my Master's degree in Engineering from the École Centrale de Nantes. I currently work at Oneka Technologies as an Electronic Instrumentation Specialist. In life, I'm very passionate about photography and exploring the surroundings. By the way, my last name pronunciation is \vɛ̃\.


Here is my Instagram account (@add.rien.20), it's mostly a small showcase of my photography project with some glimpses of my personal life.


I publish a lot more work on unsplash (@add_rien_20) than I do on Instagram, so my work can be used on a lot of platforms and articles. More than 3,838,949 views of my photos - and that's not counting all the secondary uses!


I have a small resume page, but it's not that interesting.


If you need to contact me, you can do so through my personal email address: